

  • I know, right? She's my little Pnut, and I want her to be/do/stay/insert whatever...good/healthy/happy/etc... I thought this was the Paleo bad :) Thank you for the tips though :)
  • Another idea: add a bit of juice (grape works best) to some fizzy water--usually 3:1ish--and add ice... Presto/Chango...instant "soda." I use this a lot in the summer, when I want a bit of fizzy-drink, but don't want the crap of soda...and it does hydrate you, and offers some nutrients (vitamins, etc) when it gets so hot…
  • Actually, I can understand's happened to me; maybe not at 18...but definitely when life gets hectic and the birthday comes/goes without the usual fan-fare... and if you filled out the initial app correctly (b-day, etc) then you are correct in the typo aspect...since the thingy does your age for you. Just sayin'.…