

  • I am partly Irish..
  • That's been my response when I was told that there was no such thing. They may laugh at me at first but I show proof, and then they don't have a come back..
  • I don't know why people want to run around claiming that there is no such thing as a starvation mode...they are fooling themselves and trying to fool others, just as you say. There really is! I constantly see that in many of my family members and friends and it makes me feel sad for them. I know that cutting back on highly…
  • I'm 36 and about 5'8. I've got to actually increase my caloric intake and cut back on certain of my guilty pleasures in order to kick start losing weight. I started my fitness journey back on August 20, 2012 and I started out at a weight of 195 according to the scale. I haven't weighed myself recently, but will do so…
  • Hi Alysin, I just saw your post! Great work on exercising daily and for 30 minutes each day as well. Ok, so your calorie intake is 1200-1300 and you weigh 140 pounds but would like to lose 20 pounds and weigh 120. Watching your calories and exercising daily for 16 straight days is a good start, but here are a couple of…