

  • It's all a matter of personal opinion. Personally, as a spotter, I provide the least amount of help possible and always remind my workout partner to keep breathing. For whatever reason people tend to forget about breathing on their last rep or two. But as a lifter, I should know when I need to re-rack the weights or if I…
  • That's the thing is I've been doing so much reading, talking to trainers and trying new things that I feel like I'm probably trying too much too fast. I need to just go back to basics and stick with it for 6-8 weeks and see how it goes. After that, as you said, I can make adjustments where I think I can make improvements.…
  • Thanks guys. I've been lifting for awhile but am just recently focusing harder on my nutrition/diet to maximize my efforts in the gym. Hence, my new membership on this site. But I'm thinking I need to scale back as you said as far as number of exercises and sets per session, which is hard to do since I recently got on 1MR…
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