Don't focus on the end goal, or big number, cause that can easily freak you out. Focus on the little steps that will get you there. This is one day, and one pound at a time :)
To be able to keep up with my friends and to be comfortable with myself
congratulations on the weight loss and maintenance Plaidasparagus!!
I'm sorry to hear you're not getting the support you would like from your family. Don't feel bad about not telling them. You need to do what is right for you, and if their negative comments discourage you - you don't need that. It's not at all a sign of disrespect, it's just you doing what you need to do to take care of…
I hate doing it myself, but food tracking is a must. switch up what you do at the gym (ex: extra cardio- time/speed/incline, add weights, take a class) If you consistently do the same thing at the gym, eventually your muscles get used to it and sort of zone out. You need to keep them guessing :)
1) My smile 2) My eyes and after 20+ years of wishing they were straight - 3)My curly hair
Hey there! I'm so happy I found your post. I thought I was alone in this. I am terrified. I don't know who I am without the weight - like you said there is nothing to hide behind About two years ago I had lost about 25 lbs and I got really scared. To the point where I unfortunately gained the weight back (and then some).…