lanip00h Member


  • yeah I want to know her secrets. From what I read it is possible to gain muscle with a calorie deficit for a few of them is the person being obese and having a lot of fat to lose. For someone who has only ten pounds to lose...this is not possible. As far as the nineteen pounds go...that is a little far…
  • I think you should give them ALL away to another vsg'er who could fit them. I believe by you giving/throwing them away it is a symbol that you have faith and confidence in yourself that you will not gain the weight back and you will not need those old, baggy clothes again. Losing weight with the sleeve is a process. I had…
  • yeah...I'm only 1 month post op...and I don't enjoy eating anymore. It is more of a chore, then relaxing or fun. I guess that is a good thing because I won't turn to it (emotional eating) during certain feelings. I have to weigh or measure and then sit down and chew or and eat slowly. It takes a lot of time out of my day.