

  • I got tired of keeping track of my usernames for all the different social networking sites, so now most of the time my username is my first name, Regan, with a short description of whichever service it is, hence, for MFP, "regansfit." Plus, I like having the mindset of "I am," as opposed to "I am going to be," or "I am…
  • I thought it was kinda cute when I logged my dinner last night and it said "You've met your protein goal for the day!" I was like "aw, I knew that, but thanks, MFP!" I could see how it could annoy me on a day when I'm feeling a little thin-skinned. For now, though, the comments don't bother me, but using the app on my…
  • People say the same kinds of things to me at work but I don't think it's irritating. Like others have already said, I'm not sure I can identify with where you are coming from on this one. They want to know what is working for you and try to "see" what you are doing working for them. In most cases "I work really hard at it"…
  • 12 pounds! Been averaging 4 workouts per week, alternating each time with 50 mins on treadmill, stairmill or elliptical. Now that I'm about a month in I plan to add some basic strength training (pushups, situps, squats, lunges) and try to build up from there. I eat about 1200 calories on days I don't work out and around…
  • THANK YOU so much for this! That fettuccine sounds great too.. I'm a little leery about cauliflower. I made this amazing soup with cauliflower in it but after eating it two days in a row I had some rather unpleasant stomach issues. Seems like it was pretty hard for me to break down. Thanks again! :):)
  • Thanks so much for writing back! I'm pleased to say this actually helped me yesterday. I DID have some popcorn when I went home from work but not with lots of butter and salt, and not too much! I keep telling myself if I can buckle down through the first week I already KNOW and have SEEN it gets better! Stay strong, my…