Rusteee Member


  • Great tips...thanks! Yeah, one of the nurses (not sure if she was actually a nurse) at one of my check-ins last week was talking about me staying under 50g's of carbs per day (not sure why she was trippin'...I'd lost ketostick just was white b/c I'd had cheerios at breakfast). I kind of protested that it wasn't…
  • Great idea, re: the skinny vanilla latte! I'm almost through Protein Day 2. Because I'm relying on both home prepared food and other non-Lindora proteins (egg, chicken breast, cottage cheese, etc), I've hit really low carb totals. Hoping this leads to ketosis quickly so I don't have to do a 4th protein day (not that the…
  • Thanks for the tips! It's nice to hear from other folks who have done this. I have to admit, I'm dreading my protein days, which start tomorrow.
  • Hi, there! I will be starting Lindora this Monday. How are the two of you doing so far? My hope was to use Lindora to get past a current plateau, then try to go back to Zone eating, which has worked for me in the past. I have to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed at the prospect of this program. I'm short on time these days,…