smujambo Member


  • Congratulations!!!! What a difference!
  • Do you have a Planned Parenthood or the like relatively nearby? They could potentially be a good low-cost resource for information and for getting things checked out. Before I had insurance I would go to PP for all my annual exams. Could possibly be worth checking out if cost is a factor keeping you out of your OB/GYN's…
  • This woman potty trains for a living. I used her book when training my child and it was AMAZING. I can't say enough good things about it or recommend her enough. She also offers online and phone support which comes in very handy. She debunks a LOT of myths surrounding potty training and points…
  • Excellent, congratulations!!
  • This blog might help - she has a load of reviews (and photos so you can see how they truly fit).
  • I bought a fitbit one about 2 weeks ago and am really liking it. I am still on a learning curve in terms of its syncing with MFP and getting accurate calorie burns per workout, but I figure once those growing pains are over it'll be a piece of cake. My battery hasn't needed recharging since I bought it, and I only read the…
  • I've started doing this but not every day (switching with Shred It With Weights). It's longer than the other JM videos I've done, but it's GOOD. You'll definitely feel it!! I agree with some of the others that doing it for 30 days straight could/would get boring. I'm currently doing 6 Week 6 Pack and had to mix that up a…
  • Hi. I realize I'm VERY late in the game posting a response, but have you tried planking on your fists? This way your wrists don't get bent and you're still up in the non-modified position. You'd of course want to keep your thumbs out of the fist lest you kill your thumbs. Just my two cents' worth!
  • I'm about to start week 3 on Sunday. Any advice? I've heard it's killer; please tell me the cardio isn't all in plank! I had a hard time doing week 2 correctly (crawling situps and crow pushups - REALLY?) and have been a bit disappointed with the results (or lack thereof). Still got sweaty and sore, but not what I was…
  • You can create your own exercise, just like you can your own foods. I found a site that is helpful if you don't have a heart-rate monitor: In the "then find exercise" box I entered jillian michaels and it pulled up a bunch of her workouts. Enter…
  • Started on Saturday and my "hammies" are definitely feeling it. Glad to have this board for motivation, because it's hard getting out of bed every morning to face the challenge!