I have a legitimate question for ppl who are speaking out agains WLS: Why does it offend you? Or better yet, how does it affect you-- really....
I have always been able to lose around 20 lbs, which when you have to lose 120 is just a splash in the bucket. There is a huge difference btwn losing that same 20 lbs that you can't seem to break past and losing an entire person.
I'm sorry you have had really demanding customers, but to try to promote the concept that these people poorly communicated to you, the program I am part of actually hands out cards to the patients to present to the servers. I know it can be annoying, especially during a busy shift, but most places haven't given me any…
You are 100% accurate. I had surgery a little over a month ago, and know ppl who have been successful and know people who have failed. Surgery is a tool, and if you look at it as "the fix" vs. a tool there is no hope for long-term success
I don't know if this has been answered yet, but I too have issues with hormones which made it very very difficult for my to lose weight. I am not blaming it 100% on them, but it did have a huge impact. After having countless appointments with everyone ranging from GYN, Prime Care, surgeons, etc, etc, it was determined that…
I have to say that I am a little offended about you saying that surgery doesn't take hard work and dedication. I have a hormone imbalance that made it near impossible for me to lose weight, and instead of waiting for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and who knows what else, I decided to have gastric bypass.…
Surgery isn't cheating... is wearing eye glasses cheating? What about a knee brace? If you dont do what you are supposed to do with these other "cheats", then your ailment won;t get better. Just like with bypass, if you dont do what you are supposed to, you will gain all the weight back. Surgery isnt cheating, its a…
I'm 3 weeks out!
I had bypass 3 weeks ago yesterday, Im so happy to see so many supporters here!