

  • Focus. I lost 130lbs. It reminds me of the kid that dreams of joining the MBA. If he doesn't practice basketball, doesn't do well in school, doesn't do anything, should he wonder why the MBA didn't pick him? If he practices all the time, gets GREAT grades, sleeps with his basketball, joins the high school team. works hard,…
  • Makes perfect sense! My goal is never to be overweight again. So, that is my new motivation. But, after 5 years, it is tiring to constantly monitor your calories..I have done it off and one since I reached my goal weight initially.
  • Yes, it was VERY scary for me. I had reached my goal weight and I so I started to add back in 100 calories per day 1 week at a time. Like I said, I had been at a calorie defect for about 18 months. I had very much gotten used to it. Even adding back the 100 calories per day per week, I still lost an additional 13 lbs…
  • I have been married for 15 years. When my wife and I met we were both obese. We had the fact that we loved to eat and sit around the house and watch TV and be sedentary together. I mean, its a common interest, right? I lost 150 lbs about 11 years into our marriage. My wife did not. At first she tried and attempted to get…
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