Thanks for the advice all of you!! Im very proud of my weight-loss, but now im excited to take it to the next level. its truly an addiction
I work out about 5-6 times a week for about an hour Chest: bench, incline bench, dumbbell on a flat bench, flies Shoulders: Arms/Tri: Legs: Back Cardio I do about 4 workouts per day for 5 days straight, then ill take a rest day.
I know exactly whats on your mind. You just whana get rid of that damn fat and weight down so badly! you cant stand it anymore, you whana see the number shrink. That was me when I weight 255lbs. but let me tell you this, eating at 750 is not the way, you will lose fat, yes but you will also lose a lot of muscle mass and…
Got kicked off a ride :/ what makes it worse was the people I went with I just met. bad first impression