

  • Try the 17-Day Diet, you can lose 12 lbs the 1st 17 days. I have been doing it off and on since June of last year and I have lost 52 lbs thus far. When I say off and on, I mean XMas, B-Day etc. I also took a break and did the Ultimate Reset in February, so in April I was looking good on my cruise. Here is the jist of the…
  • Hope this helps Insanity Calories Burned Cardio & Resistance - 789 Pure Cardio - 859 Cardio Recovery - 1016 Core Cardio & Balance - 441 Max Interval Plyo - 950 Dig Deeper Fit Test - 1089 Max Cardio Conditioning - 698 Fit Test Only - 844 Fit Test & Max…
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