

  • Well I didn't start out so great...didn't have time to log anything on MFP yesterday! However, everyday is a chance to start over, right? :) My goal is to fit some strength training into my exercise routine at least 3 days per week. I'm pretty consistent about cardio, but I know I need to also build some lean muscle.
  • I'm in! Thanks for starting this group! :)
  • I feel your pain! I am 41; over the past couple of years I have steadily gained weight. I wasn't really exercising regularly, but in general, I watched what I ate. I've come to realize that with age comes a HUGE slowdown in metabolism, and my sedentary job and lack of exercise was not helping the size of my butt! Started…
  • How many times per week did you do the insanity videos?
  • Try giving up all grains and legumes for 3 weeks and eating more good fats.if you keep your carb levels low, you will start to see results. I am about your same body size and had not been below 127 in years UNTIL I got off grains. Check out 'The Practical Paleo Book by Diane Sanfilippo, or if…
  • About 2 weeks ago my husband & I decided to go grain (and most dairy) free, and gave up all processed foods-basically we're doing the Paleo diet. I won't say I don't miss grains at all, but I'm really surprised how little I miss them, and I can honestly say I am feeling better overall. I have an auto-immune disorder,…