

  • Grats on the achiveme.....I meant weight loss! I know what you mean that the idea of giving up gaming doesn't even occur to me. Even my friends and family would never say that too me because they know it would never happen. Here to being hardcore healthy gamers! (still working on the healthy part here haha)
  • This is me almost to a T. I have been dating my boy friend for 5 years, but moved in with him about two and 1/2 years ago. In those 2 and 1/2 years I gained about 40 pounds. He eats every thing and and always comes home with delicious taco bell. He also eats VERY late, thus I always end up eating a little something late at…
  • No such thing as too much praise on something like this! Really good job. It's great that you love running now as well! It must have been tough to find the time to work out 6 days a week! Keep up the great work!