

  • Hello everyone. I finally got started on the FatFlush and have to tell you I am starting to see results! Although the weight doesn't seem to be budging yet I am beginning to see the muscle reaapear. That's good news. And amazingingly you really do start to see the cellulite vanish. I have to tell you though, the Lifetime…
  • That would be great. I sent you a message with my email address. I'd like to look it over first before I buy the book. The Shakedown Smoothie sounds pretty interesting too.
  • Ladyhawk, I do have a heartrate monitor and I like to keep it between 130-145 while working out. I think I might purchase a body fat measuring device and see if that tells me anything. Also yes it says I shouldn't go below 1200 calories on the goals here and with that I am supposed to lose .7 lbs a week. yeah right. Mags,…
  • Thanks everyone. It is just so so discouraging. I have literally measured almost every bite I put in my mouth for the last month. I'm off to check out your suggestion Mags. I really need to see something start to change here. I have tried to lose off and on for the last 3 years but every year I seem to gain another 2 or so…
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