emtjab Member


  • feel free to add me to your friends. I've invited a few of you here..... my email is jab@amerytel.net :)
  • added you Stephanie! I'm also in HR...the safety side of it!
  • bump....hope I don't lose you all again...LOL....
  • Amery....about 50 miles from st. paul, mn. anyone else in NW? I think we need to arrest that little groundhog Phil....he lied to us! LOL Julie
  • Awesome! Incredible! You're such an inspiration!
  • NW Wisconsin.......which right now is the cold armpit of the US! :)
  • Morning all, Cold, windy and overcast here today...ucky poo! Wish we had a pool nearby that I could go swim and exercise in.... Gotta get at the work stuff.....have a great day! Julie
  • Morning friends... i have found that I really do love coming to this site and seeing all fo the wonderful things you women are up to! I love the motivation, the logging food, the exercise logging...it's awesome! Tigress - I hope you feel better! stomach bugs are just evil! Laura - WOOOO HOOO! congrats on the smaller size!…
  • Morning ladies! What a wonderful weekend we had! Got a lot done and even went and saw the Winter Carnival Ice Castle at the Mall of America! Very different! Not a traditional castle at all! It's all icicles - mostly big ones! And lit up with thousands of LED's, some of which change color. We had a wonderful time. Made me…
  • Morning... Katia.....WOOO HOOOO! Congrats! Can't wait till I can buy a smaller pair of jeans! that's just awesome!!! busy day here...going to the mall of america's Ice Castle today....fun fun! Julie
  • Hey ladies, Wow...busy couple of days at work and haven't had time to read posts since WEDS!!! thanks so much to everyone for the words of encouragement! I needed it. and then i get on the scale a few days later and it's down 1.5 lbs. I think my body is just insane....it wants to trip me up! lol Exermom.....I loved the…
  • Well, another cold day here in the frozen upper midwest! but getting warmer. Wish we got Chinook winds here! lol Someone mentioned that it's hard for her to keep her calories under 1200/day. While I sympathize with that...I don't have that problem. I have trouble keeping my carbs down (my mom is diabetic and I'm so…
  • Hey all... Barbiecat...Loved the story of your journey....that is very inspirational! thank you so much for sharing it. Lori....love the CRAP! lol....good to remember. As for me....well, I realized I'm a wimp. yep. a total wimp. I don't know how I became this wimpy! LOL....i tried doing some leg raises and pushups over the…
  • Happy Monday (day off for many of us I suppose).... Did 15 mins on the treadmill and a bunch of exercises yesterday...sore, but good! Julie
  • Good morning everyone! After two days of work meetings where the standard thing to do is have a table full of cookies, donuts and chex mix...I DID GOOD!!! LOL....never touched any of it. Brought my own healthy snacks and stuck with it! Even when we all met later for dinner (and we usually have a couple of beers), I had…
  • Hey all, Was a busy weekend...and not good to myself either! I did get a LOT of exercise, but ate all the wrong things! It was hubby's BD....so, now that's it's past, I can be good again. I did make a huge pot of cabbage and ham soup....with lots of fresh veggies....so good. Froze a bunch to take to work.....thanks to…
  • Good afternoon all, Back to work for me today...ugh! still sick, but better. At least it didn't hit my lungs or sinuses...just throat and body aches....now to keep getting better... I am just totally overwhelmed by those of you that reply to everyone! How do you do that??? I'm flabergasted! I tried to remember two things…
  • Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! Thanks for answering my questions....I'll get the hang of this yet. Julie
  • I am really enjoying reading this thread each day...my question is how do I know when it will be replaced with another one? someone said it gets very busy and thus a new one will be started.... ??? thx, Julie
  • Hey all, Well, I'm not sure if it's from being sick and living on TONS of water and not much food, or from eating only the healthy stuff on my diet, but the scale this morning got me under 200!! That's pretty consistent with my initial goal of 2 lbs a week. Still feeling crappy, but better. Dang flu bug! At least I havent'…
  • good morning all... so after bragging how i was around all these sick people during the holidays, and that i didn't get sick...well, guess who got sick yesterday....ucky!!! trying to stay with the eating right though!
  • Good morning! :smile: Well, day 1 of "diet" or maybe I should just call it "eating healthy!".....did fantastic yesterday. Drank plenty of water too. And even passed on the roasted potato hubby made with dinner (he's not starting his diet change till after his BD on the 10th).... Have a wonderful day! Julie
  • I'm confused...is there a group that goes along with this post that i should join or ask to join??? thanks!!!!
  • Hey all, Brand new 54'er to MFP.....found it for my Kindle and then online. I'm not setting resolutions this year. I'm setting goals. I like the word better and it implies something that can be broken and gone back to without viewing it negatively! My fitness goal is to lose 40 lbs and walk more. I have other goals, like…
  • Woo Hoo! Congrats on dumping the cigs! It is probably the hardest thing you will do. If you haven't already, go to Quitplan.com and gain insights such as how long after your BP drops and when your breathing will return. Lots of great information there! Keep in mind that when you quit, your body will do just about…
    in Help :( Comment by emtjab January 2013
  • I'm brand new to the site and over 50 (54).....need to get healthier and gain energy and I think the way to do that is to lose about 40 lbs. I'm planning on eating better, no junk food (not even chocolate!) and excercising more. My daughter is a fitness queen so I have her to help me and for inspiration!