

  • I never claimed it was healthy. I am looking for suggestions, and motivation. I know doing it alone is 1000x harder!
  • I do try to force myself, but I have about zero desire to eat any! I do like the mcdonalds yogurt parfait though! It's got regular vanilla yogurt, some fruit, and granola. It's also minimal on calories, But I'm sure they mix something in to make it unhealthy!!! I do enjoy yogurts, and groupon is constantly telling me to…
  • I haven't logged in about two weeks, due to the holidays! I am just getting back into it. Mornings: 5-6 egg whites, water, possibly a fruit. mid-day: Usually nothing, until about 3PM, and then i may have a small fast-food meal (I do always check before I buy it, to make sure i'm not putting in a ton of empty calories). If…