Congratulations! You look fit, healthy, and gorgeous. Bet you feel better too!
Fat Me by WasFat_NowFit, on Flickr November 10 2012 001 by WasFat_NowFit, on Flickr 54 years old from 172.4 pounds to 115 pounds
You may want to check out where you might find more qualified advice, perhaps even advice related to your condition. I've found it to be invaluable.
The Polar RC3 GPS I mentioned before plots HR throughout the entire workout.
To answer this question, the screen with the light background is much easier to see. I bought the dark background screen for my husband and we exchanged it as he had a hard time reading it. As for spiking and other issues, the only time that happened was when the battery started to die. Replaced the battery and no more…