claston77 Member


  • ***Virtual high five*** You are strong, those stats are awesome! What Cycle are you on?
  • I finished my test day for Cycle 2 this morning and here is where I am: Start -> Cycle 3 (starting Monday) Barbell Squats: 55 -> 70 lb Barbell Bench Press: 50 -> 60 lb One Arm DB Row: 20--> 26.5 lb Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15 -> 20 lb SLDL: 55--> 70 lb DB Upright Rows: 15 -> 20 lb I 'failed' the shoulder press and upright…
  • I used an empty Olympic bar to start, 45 pounds, but it was so long that I couldn't balance it on my shoulders. So when I would squat I was so worried to keep the bar level that the rest of my form was shot. Adding a five pound plate to each side helped a lot though. And I do my warmup with a 30 lb dumbbell as a goblet…
  • Are you 'practicing' with an empty bar by chance? I know with just the bar I felt off balance and out of control with my squats. When I added a couple of plates my form and balance really improved. Strange right? But even when I tried the broomstick and mirror idea so many are in favor of it was useless, for me anyway...I…
  • Sounds good, I think what I'm realizing since I started seriously strength training is to keep it simple. If your way of breathing works for you then keep on rockin' it out I say. I find when I have to 'worry' about too many things I stress myself out and my form/intensity suffers only to find out from folks like Lyle in…
  • I wouldn't personally, they get heavy real quick. All Pro always says to err on the lighter side when in doubt, so think of the "too light" feeling as a way to keep dialing in your form for heavier weights. I use dummbells for my shoulder press and upright rows and in Cycle 2 I had to jump from 15 to 20 pounds and the…
  • Wow, way to go! You smashed it :flowerforyou: And yes you do your medium and light days for 12 reps with same weight you used for them in this cycle and then next week when you start Cycle 2 you up the weights by 10%. Keep it up!
  • Yeah in addition to my back discomfort that's kind of how I feel to, jeez are we really twins are what? :laugh: Everything I read though seems to indicate a weak core is the root of this. In theory these exercises should help strengthen your core though so maybe it gets easier? Like I said though I'm going to add in some…
  • I try to remember to keep my core engaged and breathe correctly but I'm not always successful, especially with my squat, bench , and deadlift. Part of the issue for me is that even before I started the program I had a bad lower back and while the program hasn't aggravated it the pain is still there and sometimes activating…
  • I felt a bit of nerves too and I hired a trainer for one session. I was clear that I wanted someone to walk me through a specific list of exercises I had to check form and I even bought my tablet with the videos of correct from for him to view before I agreed to hire him. In the end he was quite terrible as far as being…
  • I think it tastes like dirt personally, dirt with a bit of a bitter aftertaste. But I've only used Nutiva brand so others might be better. If you're looking at it as protein supplement only I think there are much tastier, imo, options out there.
  • Yup two heavy days as I understand it too and we can still be Cycle Buddies :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • After your PSMF stints have you been coming up to maintenance level calories for enough time to get your hormones back to optimum levels? And have you figured out what your maintenance calories really are? A PSMF followed up by 1400 calories a day for someone who "likes to e active" sounds a bit on the lowish side to me…
  • I think it would be overkill. I'd suggest you keep your weights routine at the gym and use Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. It is cardio broken up into six or seven segments. You can start out doing 2-3 segments on your days off from weights and build up to doing the whole video.
  • Yeah, I had to go up from 15-->20 pounds for my shoulder presses and upright rows this morning since I use dumbbells. I got through the first sets of each exercise okay but then struggled just a touch on the last few reps of my second set. The next couple of weeks will definitely be interesting :laugh: paprad I think you…
  • You guys are scaring me :laugh: I just did my Week 1 Heavy day for cycle 2 this morning.... And jimmmer congrats on the little bubba :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the insight guys....I'm glad my totally crappy, fatigued feelings during workouts this week have some sort of "validation" :laugh:
  • I just did my last workout for Cycle 1 and I have a question for the "veterans" Test Day was hard for me which I kinda expected but what I didn't anticipate was workout 2 and 3 being doozies too. anyone else notice anything similar? Is that how it's "supposed" to be? Or am I just a weakling? :laugh:
  • This is a US based website but perhaps you can find something similar in Australia at a hardware or home improvement store: Each of those washer weigh approx. .625 pounds (some are bit heavier, some lighter)...they fit onto a bar or if you need them for dumbbells like I did you…
  • Whoo Hoo! :drinker:
  • OMG! This is soooo true! I dragged myself to the gym at 5:30 this mornong for my test day and after my first work set of squats I thought I was going to die...right there on the gym floor. The difference between 11 and 12 reps is massive :laugh: But as I stood there literally panting like a dog and sweating I just decided…
  • Jeez Louise! I think I'm more confused then when I first asked :laugh: Thanks everyone for the input though...this site needs a 'like' button :flowerforyou:
  • That article from Lyle with the picture of the girl rounding her back is exactly what I do! So we're saying that is bad form? I'm so confused :sad: :laugh:
  • Sorry to hear about the drama but imo a break sounds like a good idea. Even though deloads are technically built into the program I can see when you've gone several cycles where have a complete week or two off could be a good idea as well. When you come back from vacay your muscles (and mind) will be rested enough to take…
  • Thanks for the info, I don't know what to do. I actually have lower back problems and the SLDL doesn't bother it at all but last night while I was trying to figure out the form for the RDL, with no weight, my back was screaming for mercy :laugh: I guess I'll try Monday with weight and see what happens.
  • A post workout protein shake isn't necessary, you could just have a snack...if you're even hungry at all. That being said ON Gold Standard mixes great in a blender bottle. As far as making it tastier/creamier some PB2 or instant coffee compliments and milk the Double Chocolate flavor nicely imo.
  • All Pro is a wise dude :happy: His response in one of the many "All Pro's Simple Beginner Routine vs. Starting Strength" was what made me switch programs and I've not regretted it for one minute.
  • Do you have access to a Costco? they have two big jars of marinated artichoke hearts for like 9.00. They are good on a Greek salad with some feta cheese and kalamata olives, in an omelette or as a low cal addition to pizza or even straight out the jar with a fork :laugh: Trader Joe's has the frozen artichoke hearts that…
  • Yeah, you really should wait the two days imo, it's even emphasized in the FAQ: Q: How do I select my starting weights for this routine? A: You will use your 10 rep max for each exercise. To determine your 10 rep maxes, go to the gym one day (at least 2 days BEFORE starting the routine).... So it might've just been…
  • Did you take two full days off between your test day and today? If I recall you did like 20 squats at 65 pounds and that was only for one exercise so letting your muscles recover is important. In general I think tweaking weights the first week is pretty typical and for I me I did, going up on some weights and down on…