cstruiksma Member


  • My husband has always been 30 to 40 pounds lighter than me. Our entire marriage. He could eat and eat and eat and keeps 8% body fat. I am not like that at all. When I decided to eat healthier and get in shape, I sat down to have a "serious conversation" with my husband. I let him know my goals, why I wanted to lose weight…
  • Find what you love to do. I found for me, i loved Turbo Jam (Now TurboFire)! I was able to knock off 30 pounds doing that. My best friend who I did it with was 230 pounds when we started, and about 6 months later was 130 pounds! It is totally do-able, but you need to really track your calories and do cardio at least 4-6…
  • You should try Chalene Extreme. It's a little like P90X but in no way as intense. I gained a lot of lean muscles from doing that, and tightened up a lot of my body! Great work out, and well worth the money