

  • Don't worry so much about the scale, it fluctuates anyway. And Valentine's day is something special (to some people) so it's okay to celebrate. I ate a lot too, but I don't regret it ;) It was fun and very tasty, but it's an exception. No need to punish yourself. Hope you realise that one meal isn't going to ruin your…
  • Wow, as I was reading your post my jaw fell open. I would be absolutely horrified if someone said that to me. How dare they? If I were you I would slap these "people" (sorry but in my mind you have to be a monster to say such things) right in their ugly faces. I send you all my patience and support! Dont give up because of…
  • I agree, I get that too, even though I have lost like 8-10lbs. But don't worry too much about what other people think. Just nod and smile. You know what's best and defending your choices isn't going to help. You also have to know that people get jealous. A lot! They can't stand your succes and try to get yoy down. Just…
  • I know the feeling, but don't worry. It's probably water weight. Had the same thing a few weeks back. You are doing an awesome job! Try to drink at least 1L water a day. Keep up the good work. It will pay-off eventually :)
  • sorry wanted to reply to you but I did something wrong and I posted as a reply to the original post.
  • I agree with you. Sure, some people don't eat 1200cal a day on purpose to lose weight (something that I did 3 years ago and gained all the lost weight back in just a few weeks). But as a person with a unhealthy relationship with food, I believe that such a generalization can discourage someone who struggles with an eating…
  • Congratulations! This is an amazing accomplishment :) You should be so proud of yourself!