

  • Ah, so many awesome suggestions, thank you! I'm a bit stoked to try out all of them, especially the green smoothies because I know I need to get more kale and spinach into my diet. And I really haven't thought to experiment with pomegranate or grapes in smoothies before for some reason. Yay inspiration. :)
  • Not evil, a little shallow. But also really understandable when you're coming from a place of working so hard to finally achieve feeling better about yourself and looking better. I'd say just enjoy being married and see where your heart is when it comes to having kids later. You can stay healthy and active during pregnancy…
  • I'm pretty addicted to kale atm. Kale salads with fresh veggies are awesome. But I also like roasting broccoli, carrots, squash, and cauliflower if I'm in the mood for comfort food. I use a touch of evoo, lemon juice, a pinch of sea salt/pepper, paprika, and a pinch of ground cumin. I mainly love it because it tastes…
  • I took a topamax + toradol combo a couple years ago. (Sorry, I don't remember my dosages) but my side effects were pretty horrible. I wasn't on it long enough to notice weight loss and I was already refusing to eat so I'm not sure if it had enough time to effect that as well. All I know is four doses in I had what my…
  • Hi, I'm Lauren, new to the group. Glad I joined because this was the first post I saw, which is a great sign because I'm currently enjoying those multiple joys and would love to be supportive for anyone else in a similar position. And I could definitely use some support. My diagnosis reads like a manifest haha so I won't…
  • Hi, thank you. I definitely will search for that. That's great advice, I've been struggling with the obsession and I've received a lot of feedback from counselors that say to stay away from calorie counter sites, etc. But that's just not an end all solution because (I think you may know) it's not like you just wake up one…
  • Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the welcome and support. :) And good luck with yours too!
  • You're definitely not alone! I'm just getting into a healthier workout routine and jumping around has been bumming me out haha. A swimsuit is a good idea, I would have never thought about it. I like wearing some yoga pants I got @ Old Navy with the fold over waist band. I feel like a dork but I just keep the waist band up…
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