@sock Tough And funny :P
@Zeraus I might change it to that if the username isn't taken... :P Word: Cute (: And your puppy is adorable!!!
Hrcules My word: Sexy
You stole my word!!!
Hang out :D
I do too! :D
angelams Tiana? It's Disney...just not old school..
Oh..haha...well you're in good shape! You don't look your age!
angelams Gabrielle Union
29? I can't really see your don't be offended if you're much younger.... :P
Space Wars
@ArtGeek You look really young! 21?
You eyes and lips! & your teeth! they look soo white, even with your berry red lips! Nice contrast
You look great! You're smile is really pretty(:
^^ me too! & umm....27?