tatowndoc Member


  • I want to hear how fitbit and myfitnesspal sync with each other and what it does to adjust the calorie target I've set and how easy it is to add exercise (such as an elliptical or weight training) so it is added to MFP automatically. Let me know!
  • That sounds like a plan. I posted my weight a little late in the week, but would love to see more comments. What's working? I'm trying to emphasize more "real food" and avoid the breads and pastas and have at least 1/2 of what I eat be veggies and fruit. So far, having a plan and tracking calories (with some old fashioned…
  • I won't typically report what I do for activity or fitness, since it probably won't be much! But my wife and I have a tandem bike and we rode 27 miles today. For an old guy, that's not too bad! :-)
    in Week 2 Comment by tatowndoc August 2014
  • Can you add my weight? I can't seem to modify the speadsheet. It's 199. Tatowndoc. thanks!
  • My starting weight is 201.
  • I'm in at 201 lbs. Long term goal (not in 10 weeks) is 160 lbs.
  • A little competition is a good thing! Should we post our actual weight occasionally or will we see it anyway on our profiles?
  • I have some knee issues so mine will be low key. This group will push me!
  • Thanks for having an open group. This is my first group and would love to have the motivation. I may be one of the older ones and can't participate in fitness like Insanity but would love to have some examples of others getting moving and will find it encouraging. I may be just walking at first but hope to add some…
    in Thanks Comment by tatowndoc August 2014