landersmegan Member


  • My trainer had been incorporating jump rope into the lifting routine and she finally gave up on my and has me 'air jump rope' because I was tripping all over myself! I could get like 5 jumps in and then would crash. Especially hard the closer to the end of some awful leg workout! I didn't remember it being so hard in my…
  • My trainer is a Mom and she's a smokin' one! I would die to be in half the shape she's in!! All Mom's are beautiful :)
  • Maybe if you are going to be negative and judgmental you should refrain from commenting. When someone is asking for help and encouragement and you can't provide that, then say nothing. I'm sure most of us have enough negative influences without being put down in a community that's supposed to be supportive!
  • Maybe if you are going to be negative and judgmental you should refrain from commenting. When someone is asking for help and encouragement and you can't provide that, then say nothing. I'm sure most of us have enough negative influences without being put down in a community that's supposed to be supportive!