ninipower Member


  • Simple trick that i found with Isagenix, if you dont like the taste of the shake, add stuff to it like spinash and raspberries for fiber, banana and peanut butter, pineapple and kale... Wtv the flavor as long as it's natural stuff. Make your own bars, i found some off pinterest, simply write clean protein bars and ensure…
  • That my clothes that were to tight for me a year ago are now to loose to wear. And being capable of swimming, climbing, and doing whole crossfit workout and still be capable to walk the day after.
  • Have you ever ear of the Paleo lifestyle? I am Gluten intolerent myself and can totally not tolerate going low carbs and starve, Paleo is totally Gluten and Dairy free and you take your carbs simply from real food (Fruits, veggies,meat and nuts) No more process food or grains, because let's be real Rice or corn isn't in…
  • Try this taco receipe! I made it with Horse meat instead, it feel more like ground beef:wink: