

  • ok I will open it to everybody HHmmm not sure my net totals( i would have to look), sometimes I put sugar in a tea in the a.m and don't log that, but i need to get better at that, but I also changed my calories so it is 1200 not 1500 like mfp wanted it to be. I would say i retain water with my cycle. (that is a posibility)…
  • ok i opened my diary and I am very nervous but open to feedback. I am not the healthiest eater bc I am picky and I had a cheat day on friday fyi. lol
  • I currently weigh 166 (have not weighed in since last week, not to get discouraged) I eat 1200 calories and can try to make my food public but no promises bc i didn't know i could do that. lol
  • i try to workout at least 1 hour when i can at least 5 days a week. I usually start out with elliptical or treadmill but always do both each for 20-25 minutes and then do a strength machine. I switch it up arms legs abs.