Bump...also interested in any info. Thanks.
20min stepper 12min floor/ab routine 20min stretch routine 10min hula hoop
20minutes stepper hand weights 12minute ab and floor exercises 20min stretch video 5minute hula hoop
I've lived in wisconsin my whole life." Dat der truck" absolutely. But I've never heard "worsh" for "wash". We do not add r's to our words. I know a guy from st. Louis who does that though. My pet peeve when i see interviews on tv is AX instead of ask.
reform school
doctors orders
Loop hole
Chess club--- sorry, was on the wrong page.
Thanks for your help. It's funny you should mention going in both directions. Yesterday was the first day I was able to go in my non-dominant direction. And I did it for several minutes. Definitely makes it more fun!
I'm only 5' tall and overweight. My hoop stands about 4 inches above my belly button. The ID is 40", OD is 42". I made it a long time ago out of scrap tubing, I think it's 160psi (but not positive) and 1" and I used electrical tape to cover it. I was thinking about buying some materials including gaffer tape to make a new…
I'm also just beginning and was wondering the same thing. Today will be my third day. I would love to keep it up for 5 minutes straight. :) But alas I am only at around 1-2 minutes. I would love to hear how long it took others to improve.