

  • Thanks for everyone's comments! im am doing this but im not buying it now ;) shhh. very excited and motivated made myself a timetable and everything well done to those of you who have started it already. seems as if it really does work! Starting monday. wish me luck x
  • Starting JMBR on monday. VERY EXITED AND MOTIVATED! Im only a little bit overweight but mainly dong this to get my confidence back and be able to play sports again without puffing and panting. Need all the support i can get and also people who can inspire me. feel free to add me as a friend people! xxx
  • awesome. thankyou, its always good to know that people tried it and its worked for them. will definitely be getting it. did u follow the diet plan? :)
  • okay sounds good that its only 30 mins a day. im definitely committed to doing this. Yeh fitness tests would be a good idea but im sure once your done you'll just be able to tell you've got fitter in yourself. really excited to get started now.
  • ahh okay thank you. im new to this so i don't really know how it works. would you say its worth the money? and also do you find it hard to motivate yourself to exercise everyday with the program, or is it quite easy to maintain?