NurseAlleyE Member


  • omg this happened to me once and i wanted to die. It was horribly embarrasing for the person that said it and me but honestly who the hell asks someone if their pregnant. Like i didnt even know the lady! So nosy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the recipe! I will make this right when my juicer gets here! I am gonna try the ginger. I love ginger and spicy stuff so I think I will be adding that to a lot of my juices.
  • These are great articles, thanks for the resource!
  • Thats what Im planning on doing after a while of just the juicing! I have heard it can really help with headaches if you add it to your diet. Thanks for the reply.
  • I will keep you updated. Diet will be lacking protein for sure. It will just be for a short period of time.
  • People on this site are kinda rude LOL. Yeah like he said just looking for others that are interested, i know its not for a lot of people. I just am doing an experiment to see how it goes. People say juice fasting is horrible but so is eating most of the foods we eat on a daily basis, by no means am I malnourished our…
  • Hey! Yeah i am going to be very serious about this. I know its going to be hard and ive done a lot of research and watched movies on how the process usually goes. I am waiting for my juicer to come in the mail still. It is supposed to come on Monday so I want to start Tuesday. When are you planning on starting? Have you…