

  • I have three German/German Shepherds. Skoal is solid black about 85lbs and about 11 years old, I have Kol-Jack he is all black with silver highlights which he is 7 years old and weighs about 100lbs then I have Mia (Miss Innocent Angel) she is the standard colors which she is 8 years old and weighs about 75lbs. Skoal and…
  • Thanks to everyone I am NOW understanding. Everything makes sense now.
  • okay I am so take much for me) When I workout and lose the calories the number goes up and then I am supposed to eat all the calories back??? but isn't that the reason you work out is to lose the calories??? I am so dumb when it comes to things like this... I just don't understand why you would eat…
  • Hey I am from TN too and I am new to the diet world and I know I will need support like any other. I am wanting to lose about 60+ too we can do this together and keep both of us going. Oh yeah I love animals I have 4 cats 2 lizards 2 chickens and 3 dogs I am 32 married and have 2 kids. Hope to talk to you soon Thanks Amanda
  • Hey Everyone I am Amanda and I am a mother of two I live in Sevier County, TN I am married and I have 11 would think that will all I have I could lose the I am new to fitnesspal and looking for friends that share the same interest. Love to get to know everyone Thanks Amanda