kbc7288 Member


  • I kinda play a game with myself in that I make myself at least get dressed and go to the gym. If I want to go home after I get there, I tell myself it's ok, but every time I'm there I tell myself that I might as well do 10 minutes on the elliptical and THEN I can go home if I want to. After the 10 minutes I tell myself…
  • Of course I know it's my fault if I over indulge....it just FEELS like sabotage :) Usually, out of sight out of mind works for me. I generally can't eat "just one"--I'm a total sugar addict.
  • Too funny!!!
  • I often struggle with depression and anxiety. It can make diet/exercise so much harder. If you're a reader, I've read a book that was helpful to motivate me to exercise...."Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain". Exercise can be the best medicine for depression, but I know how difficult it is to…
  • If I'm feeling "hungry" (and I KNOW fruit or veggies won't satisfy), I'll have a bowl of oatmeal or a slice of oat crunch bread with peanut butter--always does the trick. I'm only on " Day 3", but I'm realizing that I'm suppose to eat until I'm no longer "hungry" (NOT until I'm FULL!) and that it's okay to be a little…
  • Seriously....I just tonight FINALLY folded the 5 loads of CLEAN laundry that was on my bed! Like weight loss, cleaning house takes baby steps :) Now....maybe I'll actually get my Christmas tree up tomorrow!
  • Oh, and I agree with sissiluv.....getting showered and dressed to the shoes every day helps! I'm talking full-on hair, make-up, and dressing as though you're going to an event! It may seem trivial at first, but I'm a big believer that our environment has a huge impact on how we feel :)
  • Aside from the given--see your doc/adjust medications.....of course. I'm having a similar issue. It's kinda difficult to exercise when some days it can be difficult to just take a shower and brush my teeth! And "self-soothing" with SUGAR has gotten me where I'm at today! SOOooo....I'm trying "baby steps". I'm focusing on…