bluemissbailey Member


  • What a beautiful woman you are...and well done for facing up to this horrible problem we got of weight gain...this site really shows you the truth about the calories we been taking in....when we start to love ourselves then we can be happy x you are getting your life back instead of pushing down the feeling we have inside…
  • Wow what a difference you lost the double chin.... and if thats what 30lbs does for you i am going to give it my best shot...It didnt come on overnight and will come off the same way....i done fast fixes and bigger than ever slow and sure this time ..
  • Hi i am Philippa from Birmingham United Kingdom and have recently found this site. My first week on here and i have about 100lbs to lose so anyone like to talk would love to buddy up ...Need some support over the Christmas Season !!!
  • I will join you all too i am around 250 and determined ......Philippa from Birmingham UK