Thank you, Abner. I never skipped any meal when I am in boarding school environment. :)
Misunderstood her? I showed the result from my private doctor to the one who work with government hospital and she clearly said that it was due to my previous unhealthy diet. But then she added that I need to lose weight (I was 65kg back then) 40lbs preferably or else I will stop menstruating. And I only missed one period…
Oh yeaahhhhh..... Why I never thought oof that. Thank you, Alan.
Thank you, kensdeb. Now I can see a bigger picture. :)
Okay, noted. Thank you, Jonathan.
Thank you, Alan. It isn't for cosmetic reason, the doctor said if I don't shed some pounds, my menstruation will stop.
Sorry, Melanie. I mistyped the number. I am 18 by the way, yes, I have given up on those "diet" 2 years ago. So, by only eating healthy diet, I can lose weight? Yes, it's not massively overweight but my target is 53 or 55 within those range because I am worried with what the doctor said about not having menstruation in…
40 lbs after 33lbs lost. :frown: . Yes, I am planning to consult with a nutrionist but then I don't know when I have time. Okay, thank you, Jonathan. :) I'll try and watch out with the calories per meal provided.