

  • My friend who is also turning 55 lost 100 lbs about 2 yrs ago- took her about a year and a half. She has regained a bit (20-30) but she is still smaller than she was in high school so it IS possible. Keep going a little at a time, know your triggers and love yourself.
  • I will be 55 in April and trying to lose weight seriously for the first time ever. Have always been on the bigger side of weight charts but now realizing my knees/feet/heart are not happy with me. Just started today. good luck to you. I would like to lose about 70 lbs to get back to pre-baby weight of 24 years ago but will…
  • cold time of year I am voting for making soup! If you can, make a broth based soup with lots of veggies. Celery, carrots, onions, whatever is looking wilted in the fridge. Add whatever spices you like. Almost calorie free and you may feel like you are eating a substantial snack with a cup or two for very little…
  • As an RN who teaches a diabetic support group, I tell my participants everyone should eat as if they had diabetes (30-45 gms carbs per meal) with lots of veggies and we would all be much healthier. And it is all about choices....just like our calorie counting is. If you choose to have pasta, you should skip bread/dessert,…
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