sue9900 Member


  • I started my day with 2 diet cokes for years.....when I decided to change to healthier ways (I agree with the person that there may not be calories but the sugar spiking could contribute to weight gain in other ways) I switched to Zevia cola with no calories that contains natural sweetners. I have had no issues except that…
  • Hi ladies, I'm just getting back to recording my food and exercise and gee....lost several more pounds. I guess I've learned my lesson about how tracking really does help. I got the Fitbit Force for Christmas and loved it except it wouldn't stay on. I had to use black electric tape on the band which was not convenient or…
    in Fit Bit? Comment by sue9900 March 2014
  • I totally understand about working hard and seeing no results. I also have to remember that it took me a long time to gain the weight so why would it come off fast???? Anyway, the scale has never been my friend so staying motivated with less than a pound a week loss has always been hard. The two things that I think stood…
  • New to the group so thought I'd jump in here to meet a few more of you....I've given up running due to bad knees but enjoyed the races I have participated in. I hope the one you signed up for has a great shirt! What concerns do you have?
  • You go girl!!!!
  • I love the positive comments and support for your question about a "bad" day. Reading this probably kept me from getting up and heading to the kitchen for a late night snack after having a pretty good day. I am guessing from your current weight loss that you won't like how you feel if you don't plan ahead and stick to your…
  • I had forgotten how it helps to see that at 1:00 PM I have only 600 calories left to eat for the day. It was amazing to see again how many carbs I had consumed....logging holds me accountable. Exercise isn't my's EATING!!!!!
  • Plan your meals/snacks in advance so you don't grab high calorie foods that you will regret. Logging will help.....I lost 20 pounds while using this site.....the 12 months I took off I've gained a pound a month....I'm back and getting back to a weight I was really happy with. You can do this!