Look up the kale's nutritional information-- it is incredible how much goodness you get from those leaves. According to nutritiondata., it has 206% of your daily needs of Vitamin A in just 67 g of it. Tons of vit K, C, and even protein and iron...I am determined to find a recipe that will make it palatable!
. How long did it take you to lose 40 lb? I am amazed at everyone who stuck with the weight loss long enough to lose over 10 lb. I usually cannot go past 6 weeks of dieting and give into the cravings. I admire your tenacity
Hi, from my experience, it is important that the calories come from a good nutritious food. If calories come from sugar and cookies, I get very hungry quickly, but if I eat slow burning carbs, I stay fuller longer. So look closely at what you eat; the numbers by themselves don't mean much because if the body is not getting…