

  • HELP! Normally I eat about 1000 kcal a day and hitting around 30g carbs. Today I was starving and though I've kept to 26g of carbs I have eaten 1800 kcal :( I don't remember the last time I ate so much and i'm a bit freaked out, and i felt so tired I didn't make it to the gym today. I have been walking around town for…
  • Thanks for the advice guys x
  • I've just started eating low carb and I'm on my 3rd day. Feeling pretty ill and headachey but from what i've read this should be over any day soon? I just wanted to know if you think 35g carbs is low enough because i'm struggling to keep below that, but i will try to stick to 20g tomorrow. The other thing I was wondering…
  • Last week I was 2416 under my calorie goal for the week. I have religiously logged everything I ate and even went with myfitnesspal's estimation of how many calories I've burned at the gym although the machine told me I had burned more. My weight just fluctuates by about 1lb either way at 136 and nothing I do seems to…
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