Hossie79 Member


  • Always looking for new and supportive friends! Its great to get ideas and its great to get support when you are having those tough days and the awesome ones! Anyone can add me as well!
  • Beet chips- going to try them tomorrow!
  • Nap time for me or after she goes to bed...unless of course its during out walks or playing outside if she is playing I will lunge around the house or outside squats etc...We love cross country skiing as well and i have to pull her chariot with her 25 lbs body so thats a GREAT one!
  • You never know quietmama! I weighed in Thursday and today and down 1.5 pounds! Now it will just be mondays...
  • So I did this for about a week before the holidays and weighed myself at that time...after the holidays were over I was happy to see a 1 pound loss when I weighed myself last thurs....weighed myself to day 4 days later and I am down 1.5 pounds... So far a 2.5 loss it's a start! Yeah ladies! And remember post good or…
  • Hi Ladies... I am Jill, I am newly living in Terrace BC, and we have a 18 month daughter. I am also a massage therapist and will be working a few hours a week but mostly I am a stay at home mom. So if any of you are from around here I am always up for playdates or get togethers!!! Anyway I am also "A SNACKER" god help us…