

  • I also use stevia, a couple drops in a cup of plain yogurt and then add frozen berries ( i like raspberries and blueberries). I LOVE ice cream so this is a decent substitute. And I can have it every day. I used to drink alot of Diet Coke, then have gradually cut down. Now that I am really serious about losing weight I only…
  • I'll add my 25lbs..
  • OK! I am in too. I started Jan 10 at 301 lbs, with the initial goal of losing 100lbs and then once I reach that goal, I will strive for another 40-50lbs. Today I am 274lbs and I have not yet done measurements, but my scale does some %s so I will report next time with some other numbers. This is good.....I have a closet…
  • WHAT a JUMPSTART! but very tough at first to stick to and now it is just a way of eating. No packaged foods! But specifically for the Candida Cleanse I used one from the health food store and followed it. No dairy, No Yeast, No flour, NO sugar....sounds impossible but not. I have been eating this way for a month now.…
  • I had been on a Candida clense for a couple of weeks trying to jump start my weight loss and put me into the habit of eating better going forward. My friend told me about Fitness Pal and I have been addicted to it ever since! It really helps me stay on track and you can tailor it just for your goals and eating habits. And…