Don't over do it initially or it will be hard to maintain, you also don't want to go into starvation mode, that can sabotage your progress later.
Welcome, this site is awesome, and everyone is really super supportive!
LOL yeah my boyfriend hears about it alot too!
Wow, what an inspiration, you are beautiful!
You can do it! I think the first step is admitting there is a problem and then deciding that you are worth the time and effort to fix the problem. This site is a great tool, I have only been using it for a short amount of time and I love it. You can only hurt or help yourself here, logging even when you know your way over…
Its taking me a while to figure out the MFP lingo too!
Welcome I am still pretty new myself but so far so good!
So far I really like this site, it has been so helpful and I have lost about 5lbs I ultimately would like to lose about 70lbs so here we go! Friend me if you would like!
Hi! I also need to lose about that much weight, 2011 is going to be a good year! I just started on this site and am quite excited about it.
Thanks for the warm welcome! :smile: