

  • bump on the frosty recipe :P
  • I'm in if you still need another buddy. My motivation has went out the window since my hubby and I moved in August. There's no gym nearby now and I'm totally putting the pounds back on :(
  • Whoa! That BMR calculator has me at 1559 a day! I've only been eating between 1200-1300 net calories. But I've been feeling fine, full of energy, etc... and I've been on this count since April. Am I doing something wrong?
  • Hey Girl, I understand how you feel! I've been fighting the same thing for a while now. I had lost about 15 lbs and then I've been within the same 5 lb section for a few weeks now. So, what I'm doing is increasing my calories (just a bit) to just over my daily net calories. I've done it for a week and there hasn't been…
  • When I reach my final XXX, my husband and I are going to start trying to get pregnant. I know, it seems silly to lose all that weight just to add on again. But I want to be super healthy to start our family :happy:
  • I didn't really know what was even going on back there until my husband mentioned that my butt looked tighter and that all that working out must be paying off. Now I can't stop checking it out in the mirror - if only my tummy would follow in its tracks! But it really perks up my motivation when someone notices your hard…