kjmiller_15 Member


  • The Test, to test for Candida, Is called the Spit Test. (Sounds Beautiful don't it?) For the spit test, it can only be done in the morning. You get up in the morning, and your fill a clear glass with distilled water. Work up a good amount of spit, and spit into the glass. Check the water every 15 minutes for an hour. if…
  • Okay. I have a couple suggestions. Read My Pro-Bio 5 post. Mostly read the second post i posted in there. This is a Huge situation with a lot of people. Candida Yeast over growth sounds like it can be an issue for you. This yeast, lines your stomach, and prevents your body from absorbing the plexus, or other nutrients,…
  • Have you Ever Heard of Candida yeast? Its a fungus thats in your gut. Everyone is born with a little. But 85 percent of us have and overgrowth of the Candida. It coats the lining of the stomach and intestines, and when it does this, the food and nutrition your taking in isn't being absorbed because the candida is blocking…
  • from my knowledge and what i hear, is animal that are injected with these steroids, or whatever, they have terrible lives. they are treated terrible. And what is in the animals body is in yours when you eat the animal. Example.....animals get injected with steroids that in us cause infertility. In children it can prevent…
  • it doesnt even matter.....All Soda is bad for you. The carbonation alone. In one of my classes we did a science project and poured the soda on something in a vehicle that was eroded. And the coke actually ate the erosion off right there. What do you think it does to your insides if it eats away eroded rust off of metal?…
  • and then we can all die at an early age of a freaking heart attack and leave our loved ones behind to wonder if there was more they could do to help us fat people lose weight. Common this is suppose to be a support message board.....
  • I agree, I am so terrified of being made fun of when I step outside into the world. I am a really sensitive person to start with. And I know I know....Its my fault im this overweight. BUT at the same time, im trying to fix it, so all this criticism, and judgement upon me like im the scum of the earth, or like im the most…
  • i wis this had a picture so i know if im making them right or not lol
  • This is a piece of information that ive never heard before. So what is a good substitue then for cows milk? That doesn't taste nasty? And how otherwise would one get all there calcium?
  • I completed this yesterday. It was my first time doing anything like that, and i liked the way it made me feel!!! Thanks for the suggestion, i will be doing this more often, I just dont know what to put in under in the excercise category on here. :)
  • i havent been diagnosed. But my doctor did say something about insulin resistance, but nothing more.
  • My name is Kelly Jo, I am 26 and just had a baby two years ago, and it seems like my metabolism just stopped. I actually was having problems with my menstrual cycle, and I went to the doctor and she had a talk with me about my weight, and thats the reason why my cycle is so messed up. It was all I could do not to cry in…