Ken1Lutheran Member


  • I'd always been a bit stocky, 5'10 and between 200 and 220, playing a lot of sports. But when I became less active, and then had an accident that kept me from running for about four months, I started packing on the weight. I felt less and less like exercising, but was still eating and drinking as if I were playing…
  • maybe that can of soda can be your dessert. The calorie content in a soda isn't high for a dessert, and it could satisfy your sweet tooth in place of ice cream or whatever.
  • A can of soda a day won't of itself harm you; it just means that you'll have to reduce other calories in your diet accordingly--if you're having that can of soda, the warning in a previous post about gaining 50 pounds in 20 years will apply if you eat the same as you would have eaten without the soda or other high-calorie…
  • As a New Englander in exile (grew up in Massachusetts, now in Chicago), I have to have my ice cream from time to time!
  • For me, my sugar intake other than that naturally occurring in fruits, vegetables and grain products consists of two cups of coffee in the morning each with a small amount of half and half (containing some lactose) and one scoop of ice cream after dinner (lactose again plus some sucrose). I eliminated other sweets and…
  • There's no reason to eliminate all sugars from your diet. Even things like meat have small amounts of sugar in them. Approach it reasonably. Lay off the sweets except for maybe a very small portion of them a day if you have a bit of a sweet tooth. Lay off alcohol, which your body will process into sugar (drunkenness is…
  • Thanks for that post; it's a good reminder not to go crazy with this. I've lost almost 20 pounds in the last two months without a crash diet.