TheMsJen Member


  • When you are work are you behind a desk for most of that time? If so, see if your boss minds you replacing your chair with a ball. Walmart sells a good ball with a support ring for $20 or less. It will help you with balance, stomach muscles, and you can do cardio while doing paperwork by doing a steady bounce. If your…
  • My husband watched me fill a plate with healthy stuff and eat every last bit. 10 minutes later he set a biscuit with a fried egg in front of me. He wanted one so he made one for me too to be nice. It's hard to eat differently around people who aren't changing their habits.
  • Thank you for sharing your story with me! I feel like sometimes its so hard to talk to people about my weight issues. Most people usually just say stuff like, "exercise or go for a walk, what's stopping you?" With MFP I feel like I can at least see the results of my eating habits and make appropriate changes. Plus the…
  • I really appreciate the advice. I don't care for diet sodas just on taste alone. I can't bare the taste of sachron and other artificial sweeteners. I can't stand that Truvia stuff either. My taste buds are particularly sensitive to sharp, bitter, and spice (like salsa). Because of this I can't eat a lot of foods that would…
  • Thank you so much for the messages! I live a block from a rehab center that offers exercise membership but it doesn't have a pool. The closest pool in town is over a mile away, and I don't have access to a vehicle before 5pm, most days. So for now, the pool is out. As for soda, I'm actually down to 1-2 cans a day, from…