both my knees are bad -- chronic probs since a child. I started with eliptical and built up endurance, then I started low impact classes. If the knows you have limitations they will show you alternatives so that you can still make progress -- that is what they are paid to do. Good luck to you. Hugs
Thank you for sharing; a true INSPIRATION to keep going!
I'm really trying to get in the groove and like spaghetti squash, and cooked it for the first time last week; but it came out crunchy....yuk! i've tried to microwave it to finish cooking after I made the spaghetti but it hasn't worked. What did I do wrong??
that I didn't backslide today --- went to the gym and am still under my daily's the small triumphs that count !!
wow, I've got farther to go than I originally thought !!! Bummer !!!::sad:
I'm getting married in June....and don't want to be a FAT bride.... :-)