Several months ago I completely changed how I eat. Like so many others I ate a carb filled breakfast, always seemed to be hungry mid- morning so I'd have a snack, generally carbs, then be famished again come lunchtime. I'm now eating 1100-1200 calories a day with 100-110 grams of protien & exercising at least 60 minutes a…
WAY TO GO!!! You look fantastic! Keep up the good work!!
For breakfast have an omelette or scrambled eggs with several ounces of lean meat (pork, turkey, chicken, steak) or fish (shrimp, crab, tilapia). Add some vegetables (mushrooms, spinach, bell peppers, etc), salsa, low-fat cheese & you'll have afeast! Greek yogurt; nuts; string cheese (Weight Watchers has a pretty good…
Make an omelette or scrambled eggs with several ounces of lean meat (pork, turkey, steak) or fish (shrimp, crab, tilapia). Greek yogurt