We have seen what 40 years of low fat high carb diet has done to the Western World...It isn't good. Obesity is everywhere as is metabolic disease.
Wow, I guess I should stop teaching Maths then. Carbs are NOT a required nutrient the body can make its own glycogen and function on ketones. I have had better mental clarity whilst on keto for a year. After all 9+10 = 21
Whole Grain = Refined Grain = Sugar as end product. Not difference in terms of nutrition.
20-50 grams.
A calorie deficit will work whether keto, high carb, vegetarian etc. What people doing keto try to explain is that it is easier to lose on keto because you feel full and not constantly hungry. Fat and in particular protein are satiating so it is hard to overeat, whereas it is easy to eat carb rich foods all day. I have…
To the OP
Not zero carbs, but carbs only coming from non starchy vegetable sources. I eat 8-10 serves of vegetables, more than most on high carb eating plans. They provide the micronutrients I need to be healthy. Starchy carbs, bread, pasta and rice provide zero nutritional benefit apart from a short supply of energy and a cost…
Protein also provides the body with essential amino acids and satiation. Only 42% of protein COULD be turned into glycogen via glucogenesis. Yes insulin is spiked there is no where near as much pressure on the GI tract as there is when you eat carbs. Carbs are also very inflammatory on your body.
Sounds like you have found a good doctor who is recommending healthy, nutritious natural food which is unprocessed. The doctor also isn't just giving you a pill which might cure you by covering the symptoms but giving you side effects which damage something else in your body. Give it a go see how you feel. I reckon you…
So much misinformation in the OP.
There is no need to carb load, the body can only store about 500 calories worth of glycogen in the muscles and a bit more in the liver. Best thing to do would be to eat a carb heavy meal 2 or 3 hours before you run. simple carbs with high GI are best so that they are released quickly for instant energy.
This is one of the most ridiculous statements I have seen on these ridiculous forums. Keto will enhance performance in aerobic exercise after 30 minutes. Glycogen stores = 400 calories (30 minutes of exercise) Fat stores = 40,000 calories which can be used as energy. Stop spreading mistruths.
It is fine, google the warrior diet, it is part keto part intermittent fasting. Five small meals a day just keeps the food industry viable selling their sugar laden snacks which cause people to be hungry every few hours due to the sugar spikes.
Less than 25% of your body's cholesterol comes from food, your body produces the rest. Besides eggs will increase your good HDL cholesterol and reduce triglycerides and LDL.
Think more large scale than food groups. Think macros - protein, fat and carbohydrates. Protein: Required for retention of lean muscle, repairing cells, providing satiation. Eat 0.8 - 1.5 grams per kg of lean body weight. Fat: Fat is required to transport essential vitamins and nutrients around your body. It is also…
bulk nutrients is great, very pure as well.
You will be absolutely fine, especially with the livers, if you don't like the fat which drips off your meats or attached to your meats don't eat it. Personally I love it, but you need to enjoy what you eat. Just don't fear the fat as long as it fits your calories. Currently I am eating between 50-85 grams of saturated fat…
This is factually incorrect, saturated fats do not raise bad cholesterol they minimise it. They raise the good HDL cholesterol. Cholesterol is only very minimally affected by diet (around 15%) and in the right ratios is very heart healthy. Carbohydrates promote the creation of dangerous triglyceride's and dense LDL…
It looks like you are eating too much protein. Egg, bacon, 200 grams of meat at lunch and a steak for dinner is a lot of protein. Try a salad or steamed greens lathered with butter or olive oil for lunch with a smaller protein source like a can of tuna. A steak for dinner is fine but too much protein will be converted to…
Saturated fat is a good energy source and is not harmful. See the recent Time magazine article.
No protein at all, you must be skin and bones. Good luck avoiding diabetes consuming all that sugar.
Everything I cook is in lard, butter or coconut oil. Great for higher heats.
Fat isn't bad unless it is trans fat or oxidised. Nothing wrong with quality saturated fat (coconut oil, grass fed meats) or unheated monounsaturated fats. Fat being unhealthy is a myth distributed by grain and corn companies. No link is made between dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol levels or high cholesterol and…
Media must be sponsored by the wheat and grain board. There are many many worse diets. I don't see why people are against paleo. It is getting back to eating unadulterated wholesome natural food grown in a more ethical way. Why does food need to be processed??? Convenience, and to make the processors of the food lots of…
This is bro science.
It's a super food to eat. Keeps you full and helps transport nutrients.
Saturated fat is a superfood and will not kill you. Stay away from trans fats and cooking with unsaturated fats. Leave the fat on meat, eat nuts, eggs, bacon, eat grass fed butter and coconut oil. Doing this will see your HDL cholesterol rise and LDL and Triglyceride's fall. I average 90 grams of saturated fat each day out…
This is disregarding the fact that fats are more satiating than carbs so you are unlikely to gorge on fats as they make you feel fuller faster and longer.
Mine is set at 181 grams
Vegetables contain many more nutrients and they are delivered without all the sugar in fruit. Fruit should be a treat, there is a reason why fruit used to be seasonal.