

  • Sorry to hear about that. Glad your still with us though. I said "If you follow...". I actually meant "If everyone follows...". Like your texter, if he'd followed the rules, you'd have been safer.
  • Sure they do, don't they. Stop signs, traffic lights, speed limits, mandatory seat belt laws, no passing zones, laws against driving while intoxicated, mandates on car safety systems. You don't get a license unless you pass the tests given by gov't employees. If you follow all the rules, you're guaranteed not to have an…
  • In 2000, there were 41,945 car accident fatalities In 2001, there were 42,196 In 2002, there were 43,005 In 2003, there were 42,643 In 2004, there were 42,836 In 2005, there were 43,443 In 2006, there were 42,642 In 2007, there were 41,059 In 2008, there were 37,261 In 2009, there were 33,808 In 2010, there were 32,708…
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words and support. Economical motor and not a guzzler..lol... I like that.
    in Oh NOOOOOOO Comment by cboos May 2011
  • Same as you Mill. Had it on my Droid first.
  • Welcome and good luck. I'm from PA as well; Lancaster County here.
  • Got it. I understand and thanks. Makes sense. Once I'm there, I can begin to take those little trips out to eat on occasion that I use to look forward to, have the occasional dessert. Only this time, mind your portions and do it right this time around.