ankle and wrist weights
I so agree with this. It always concerns me when people are only concerned with losing weight and not about what they are eating. They say I didn't change what I ate, just how much. Me I changed what I ate! I will be 50 years old next month and I am in better shape than at most other times of my life! If you TRULY focus on…
yes and no. I restrict and almost totally eliminate simple carbs, but my diet consists almost completely of complex carbs. There is a huge difference. And I FIRMLY believe that to be at your ultimate health level you MUST include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Isn't it funny how our definition of pigging out has changed. What I consider pigging out now,I would have considered a great day at one time.
main thing is same time of day in same type of clothing. Including clothes weight can fluctuate as much as 5 lbs or more a day.
WOO HOO! You are AWSOME!!!